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2. Lidar Scan

Architects, Landscape Architects, and Designers use documents like surveys, plats, and floor plans to establish existing conditions on a site. These include structures like a house, garage, or shed, trees and vegetation, fencing, and the ground plane. Your property may appear flat and there could be drainage issues you'd like addressed, or it could be steeply sloped and you'd like us to create level spaces to make it feel usable. We have found that there is so much room for human error relying on documents like a survey - even though it's a legal document! - and instead base our design off of a high-tech lidar scan we produce in-house with a Leica BLK2GO image scanner. This creates a digital twin that is incredibly accurate, reducing the need for extra site visits and streamlining the design process.

We offer this as a part of our design process, but we also offer this service to others. The base price is calculated by square footage of the worksite to be scanned and includes processing the data in point cloud. There are additional fees to export a base file in AutoCAD or in a 3D SketchUp model.

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